Clocker - Revision 1.0.0 9/14/92 (C) 1992 Greg Reinacker. Clocker is a program for Windows 3.1 designed to run programs at a certain time. It can run these programs once, daily, weekly, or monthly, and it is extremely useful for tasks such as backups, etc. which occur on a regular basis. Simplicity was the overriding factor in Clocker's design, which results in a very low-overhead program. When Clocker is iconized, it looks similar to the Clock which comes with Windows. If you use Clocker, please register it using the attached order form. Registration is $7.95. Registration will entitle the user to free upgrades when they are available and to unlimited customer support. Multiple copy discounts are available. Upon registration, you will be mailed a serial number/registration code pair. If you have any questions, please contact the author at the address given below, or at the following E-mail address: Greg.Reinacker@FtCollinsCO.NCR.COM --------------------------CUT HERE----------------------------- Clocker 1.0.0 Registration Form NUMBER OF COPIES TO REGISTER _________ x $7.95 per copy x $7.95 TOTAL DUE _________ Date: _______________ Name: ____________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ City/State/Zip: __________________________________ Voice Tel. # (optional): _________________________ Return to: Greg Reinacker 1640 Kirkwood Dr., S-10 Ft. Collins, CO 80525 --------------------------CUT HERE-----------------------------